Middle Level Presentations
NMLSTA Members and Friends
Thursday, March 27, 2025
Concurrent Sessions
8:00 – 9:00 AM
The Design Sprint: Engage Your Students in Design Thinking and Problem Solving
Hands-on Workshop
Liz Martinez, Peg Steffen
PCC 122A
Don't Believe Everything You Believe
Bertha Vazquez
PCC 106 B
Poster Sessions
Noon - 1:00 PM
Exhibit Hall, Poster Session Aisle
NMLSTA - Sweet Math, How Much Corn Have You Drank Today?
Suzanne Cunningham
Concurrent Sessions
1:00 – 2:00 PM
Unlock Excitement in Education: K-12 STEM Competitions and Awards Administered by NSTA
Winnie Boyle, Kathryn Lasky, Amanda Upton, Sue Whitsett
PCC 126 B
2:20 - 3:20 PM
NMLSTA-STEM Design Challenges in Upper Elementary and Middle School: Applying the Engineering Design Process to Real-World Problem Solving
Hands-on Workshop
Kristin Slota & Jaime Swanson
PCC 110B
From Asking Questions to Using Evidence: Science, Math, and Social Studies Unite!
Ralph Pantozzi, Michael Apfeldorf
PCC 125
Meet Me in the Middle Middle Level Share-a-Thon
2:00 - 4:00 PM
Michael Apfeldorf, Jessica Fries-Gaither, Ralph Pantozzi--STEM-related Historical Primary Sources from the Library of Congress
Virginia Andrews--Reflecting on Resilience in Middle Grade Classrooms with the Dimensions of Success Observation System
Judy Butcher--Just a Small Town School, Living in a STEM World
Dave Curry--Monitor Global Seismicity In Your Middle School Classroom
Suzanne Cunningham--Sweet Math: How Much Corn Have You Drank Today?
Christina Davis, Jennifer Stormer--Soaring into STEM: Air Camp Middle School Aviation Resources
Donna Governor--Promoting Argument-Driven Explanation in Earth & Environmental Science
Nicole Green, Alisa Brooks--Life Science Sans Specimens
Whitney Hagins: Share the excitement! Biotechnology for Middle School!
Rebecca Kurson--Creating a Circuit Board Game
Brian Kutsch--STEM in Action: Free Resources Through The Army Educational Outreach Program (AEOP)
Brian Marrero--Exploring Kinetics with Sphero
Liz Martinez--Energy!
Sharon Miller--Dragon Fire--A Study of Genotypes and Phenotypes
Bruce Moravchik--Explore classroom ready, NGSS aligned, Earth science resources from NOAA Ocean Service Education
For More NOAA Sessions CLICK HERE
Simone Nance--Implementing Hexagonal Thinking: A Concept Mapping Strategy
Angela Rizzi-- NASA Earth System Satellite Images and Data Literacy Cubes
Denise Ryan--Shape of Life Debuts the New Tree of Life Animation Film
Dane Schaffer--Keeping Your Head Above Water!
Anne Schoeffler--Resources, Resources, and More Resources! Science Resources for Middle Level Educators
Alison Seymour--National Middle Level Science Teacher Association (NMLSTA) Membership Opportunities
Gaganjot Singh--Designing for Diversity
Sierra Satterstrom, Elizabeth Shreeve--Deal me in! The ADAPTATION GAME Brings Science to Life
Sandra Metzger, Kristin Slota--Growing Green: Launching and Leading Your School's Green Team
Erin Smoak, Diane Ripollone--AMS Professional Development Opportunities
Peggy Steffen--It Takes a Watershed to Raise an Oyster
BerthaVazquez--Teach Evolution like a Pro!!!
Concurrent Sessions
3:40-4:40 PM
NMLSTA Board of Directors Meeting
5:30 - 6:30 PM
Invited guests and interested members may attend
PCC 100 B
Friday, March 28, 2025
Concurrent Sessions
8:00 - 9:00 AM
NMLSTA: Small Molecules to Macromolecules Model Comparisons
Hands-on Workshop
Suzanne Cunningham
PCC 125
9:20 - 10:20 AM
The Future of STEM: Empowering Today’s Educators and Tomorrow’s Leaders through the Army Educational Outreach Program (AEOP)
Brian Kutsch
PCC 126 B
Professional Partnerships: K12 Educators and STEM Organizations
Caitlin Hayes, Jessica Kesler, Jason Morgan, Jillian Blair, Kim Alvin De Lara, Eric Moore
PCC 204 B
10:40 - 11:40 AM
Using NSTA Resources When Teaching Courses for Preservice Teachers: Instructors’ Stories
Dannah Schaffer and others
Moderated by Flavio Mendez
The Skull Comparison Investigation on a Budget!
Hands-on Workshop
Bertha Vazquez
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown - Franklin 12
Speed Sharing Sessions
10:40 AM
Fueling Curiosity: The Impact of Science Current Events on Middle School Students
Peter Kelly
PCC 121A
10:55 AM
NMLSTA- Modeling and Mentoring: Empowering Student Leaders for Impact Within and Beyond the School Community
Kristin Slota
PCC 121A
11:10 AM
NMLSTA-Encouraging and Supporting New Teacher Leaders
Alison Seymour, EdD
PCC 121A
11:25 AM
NMLSTA - Leadership Opportunities in Middle School Science
Anne Schoeffler
PCC 121 A
Poster Sessions
Noon - 1:00 PM
Exhibit Hall, Poster Session Aisle
NMLSTA - Water Moves Our Earth; Plants Stabilize Our Earth
Suzanne Cunningham
eCYBERMISSION STEM Competition - Authentic, Engaging, Accessible
Brian Kutsch
Concurrent Sessions
1:20 - 2:20 PM
NMLSTA: Water, Water, Everywhere?
Hands-on Workshop
Liz Martinez
PCC 121C
NMLSTA: Building Science Efficacy with Digital Portfolios
Suzanne Zilvetti
PCC 126 B
Exhibitor Session – Rethink Dissection Labs: Specimen-Free
Nicole Green – Animalearn
PCC 106A
2:40 - 3:40 PM
A 300-year old Painting, A Pioneering Woman Scientist, and Three-Dimensional
Learning: Analyzing Primary Sources from the Library of Congress
Jessica Fries-Gaither, Michael Apfeldorf
PCC 122 A
4:00 – 5:00 PM
Interpreting the Natural World Using Physical Science Concepts
60-minute Presentation
Anne Schoeffler
PCC 126A
NMLSTA-DEEP DIVE: STEM Books & Activities to Spark Curiosity and Inquiry
Hands-on Workshop
Sierra Satterstrom and Elizabeth Shreeve
PCC 113 B
Meet Me in the Middle Meet and Greet
6 :00 – 7:00 PM
Friday, March 28 6pm – Marriott 408 & 409
Join middle level educators and enthusiasts for a social hour. Meet old friends and make new ones! NMLSTA officers and board members will be available.
Generously Sponsored by...
Saturday, March 29, 2025
Concurrent Sessions
8:00 – 8:30 AM
NMLSTA - Skills Progression in Middle School
Anne Schoeffler
PCC 106 B
8:45- 9:15 AM
9:30 – 10:00 AM
NMLSTA-Megacognitive Reflection: What is it and how can it be used in our science classrooms?
Alison Seymour, EdD
PCC 107A
11:40 AM - 12:40 PM
Modeling in Chemistry: Atoms and Small Molecules, Understanding Molecular Structure and Function
Hands-on Workshop
Suzanne Cunningham
PCC 125
Supporting Sensemaking by Building Insights Through Observation (BIO) – An Interdisciplinary Model for Teaching with Data Visualizations in Middle School Science
Hands-On Workshop
David Curry, Mark Goldner, Jessica Sickler, Amy Busey, Kathryn Semmens
PCC 122A
1:00 – 2:00 PM
Lessons to Celebrate Scientist and their Scientific Discoveries Which Make Our Lives Better
Alison Seymour, EdD
Exploring Scientific Practices, the Nature of Science, and STEM in Society: Analyzing Historical Primary Sources from the Library of Congress
Michael Apfeldorf, Ralph Pantozzi
PCC 121 B
Passive to Active: Games to Make Science Literature Accessible
Hands-On Workshop
Sierra Satterstrom and Elizabeth Shreeve
PCC 115 B
Bold Names= NMLSTA Members